What Is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian disease (PCOD) or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal imbalance affecting 5-10% of women between 15-45 years of age. PCOD usually leads to irregular menstrual period, abnormal weight gain, no ovulation, hirsuitism, acne and ultimately leading to infertility.

Most of the symptoms are due to increase in male hormone levels in women leading to all above symptoms. Effect of PCOD are interrelated on your body, hormonal changes leads to various changes in body including mood swings, anxiety and depression.

In modern times, females have to do look after responsibilities at home as well as office. This puts them at added stress and increased symptoms of PCOD. Eventually because of immense stress, work pressure, increased expectation at home leads to health deterioration leading to more psychological trauma.

Sometimes physical inactivity adds to various problems of PCOD / PCOS. This disease is endemic in many parts of world affecting many women’s and girls in modern world today.

What Is Cause Of PCOD / PCOS?

Let me tell you that many school going girls even with moderate obesity, have this Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD). If PCOD is detected early at a young age, then it can be treated very effectively with very few basic measures like diet, lifestyle modification and sometimes few pills.

So PCOD / PCOS is ‘polycystic ovary disease; polycystic ovary syndrome and in it, the malehormone, “androgen” levels are increased in a woman’s body due to the vesicles or cysts formation in the ovaries.

It is not known exactly what causes PCOD but inflammation, genetic factors or insulin resistance

is probable reason for increased androgen levels. This high androgen levels prevent follicle formation or follicle maturation. Lot of research is being done in this matter. Many doctors believe that incidence of PCOD is very high with stress, anxiety, early onset menarche and obesity in women.

Now a days, incidence is so high that one in ten women of childbearing age suffer from PCOD.

Few years back, this problem was prevalent in women aged 30-35, but now a days it is more seen in school going adolescent girls.

Patient with PCOD will have following symptoms,

1. Irregular periods- Irregular menstrual periods is the most important sign at a young age.
2. Heavy bleeding
3. Sudden weight gain- the body fat of most women increases.
4. Hirsutism – Unwanted hair growth on the chin, face chest and abdomen is seen in these patients.
5. Outbursts of anger- mood swings is very common in these cases.
6. Excess acne- Acne which doesn’t respond to usual treatment is very common with PCOD
7. Infertility- Infertility is very common with PCOD. It needs proper attention before planning pregnancy.
8. Headache
9. Male type of baldness

Apart from history and physical examinations, few blood tests and ultrasonography of abdomen will help in diagnosis of PCOD. Blood tests usually done are testosterone level and Sex hormone binding globulin.

Take regular walks in the morning in park around you, which will not only reduce your stress but

also reduce the weight. Regular exercise keeps your body healthy and mind peaceful which helps to reduce stress to great extent. If you learn to manage your stress, it is like managing your PCOD. Listen to your favorite music, read some good books, involve in stress reliving activities to control your PCOD

Regular exercise:
Walking, jogging, yoga, Zumba dancing, aerobics, cycling, swimming, all other similar physical activities are suggested by many people to treat PCOD.

Healthy cooking:
It is very important to avoid junk food, sweets, fatty foods and soft drinks. So to avoid junks, you need to prepare healthy food at home. Include cooking as a part of your PCOD control activity. Include seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts and other super-foods like various seeds rich in omega-3 fatty foods such as flaxseed, walnuts and fish etc. in your routine diet. Try to drink plenty of liquids water throughout the day which gives satiety and give feeling of full stomach.

Choose a healthy lifestyle:

Young women’s are overworked and burdened with lots of responsibilities. Which puts them under lots of stress, which is triggering factor for many health related problems including PCOD. Apart from this, young generation should avoid late night binging, drinking alcohol, smoking and other substance abusers to avoid multiple health issues. Many a times, young girls are unaware of this ailment. Late diagnosis and late treatment leads to other health issues like infertility. If you notice any of the above symptoms, in either you or in your friends, you should consult your gynecologist immediately and take appropriate advice. PCOD/PCOS can be prevented by eating right, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and consulting your gynecologist at regular interval.