What Is Blastocyst?

Blastocyst is a stage of embryo that reaches after 5-6 days after fertilization. Its stage with multiple hollow balls just before implantation.

What is difference between embryo and blastocyst? These are different stages of embryo formation. By day three of embryo formation, we see 4-8 celled structure which is referred as embryo and by fifth day, we see 80 to 100 cell structure referred as Blastocyst.

How blastocyst is formed?
Eight cell structure divide multiple times and become 100 cell structure by fifth day, this is blastocyst.

What are advantages of Blastocyst Transfer?
Blastocyst transfer offer improved embryo-endometrium synchrony resulting in better success rate after transfer compared to embryo transfer. It mimics natural conception.

What is success rate of Blastocyst transfer?
Blastocyst transfers success rate depends upon multiple factors of which age is very important. Up to 30 years of female’s age, success rate is between 45-50% And between 30 years and 39 years of age, success rate is close to 35-40%