What is embryo freezing?
Embryo freezing is a procedure where embryos are frozen and stored at very low temperature usually with the help of liquid nitrogen for later use.

Why we have to freeze embryos?
We need to freeze embryos for various reasons like if someone is planning pregnancy at later stage or if patient. Sometimes they are frozen when there is expected damage to ovaries like after cancer treatment.

How embryos are frozen?
The embryos first go through cryopreservation process followed by vitrification. Vitrification process preserves the embryo without forming damaging ice crystals. Finally embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen in special cylinders.

How long we can store frozen embryos?
Embryos can be frozen and stored for many years. On an average embryos are stored for 10 years, but they can be stored even longer.

Does freezing increases risk of congenital defect in babies?
No, freezing doesn’t increase risk of birth defect or risk of abortion

What is cost of embryo freezing?
Cost of embryo freezing varies from center to center. For further queries, please write to us on pearlfertilityandivf@gmail.com or send enquiry on www.pearlfertilityandivf.com